A A. E. Housman quotes | J John Gillespie Magee quotes |
A Abel Evans quotes | J John Godfrey Saxe quotes |
A Abraham Cowley quotes | J John Gower quotes |
A Adam Lindsay Gordon quotes | J John Heywood quotes |
A Adelaide Anne Procter quotes | J John Keats quotes |
A Adrienne Rich quotes | J John Keble quotes |
A Ai Qing quotes | J John Masefield quotes |
A Al Mutannabbi quotes | J John Milton quotes |
A Alan Seeger quotes | J John Reed quotes |
A Alcaeus quotes | J John Wilmot (2nd Earl of Rochester) quotes |
A Aleister Crowley quotes | J Jorge Luis Borges quotes |
A Alexander Pope quotes | J Joseph Addison quotes |
A Alexander Smith quotes | J Joseph Brodsky quotes |
A Alexander Wilson quotes | J Juan Ramon Jimenez quotes |
A Alfred De Musset quotes | J Juana Ines de la Cruz quotes |
A Alfred Kreymborg quotes | J Judith Viorst quotes |
A Alfred Noyes quotes | J Jules Romains quotes |
A Alfred Victor Vigny quotes | J June Jordan quotes |
A Alfred, Lord Tennyson quotes | K Kahlil Gibran quotes |
A Algernon Charles Swinburne quotes | K Kalidasa quotes |
A Ali ibn Abi Talib quotes | K Kamanda Ndama quotes |
A Alice Meynell quotes | K Kanye West quotes |
A Allan Cunningham quotes | K Karl Kraus quotes |
A Allen Ginsberg quotes | K Karl von Knebel quotes |
A Alphonse de Lamartine quotes | K Kate Chopin quotes |
A Alysia Waters quotes | K Kenneth Burke quotes |
A Amadeo Nervo quotes | K Kingsley Amis quotes |
A Amy Lowell quotes | K Knut Hamsun quotes |
A Anacreon quotes | K Kurt Tucholsky quotes |
A Andre Breton quotes | L Lajos Kassak quotes |
A Andrew Marvell quotes | L Langston Hughes quotes |
A Anna de Noailles quotes | L Leonard Cohen quotes |
A Anna Letitia Barbauld quotes | L Letitia Landon quotes |
A Anne Bradstreet quotes | L Lord Byron quotes |
A Anne Bronte quotes | L Louis Aragon quotes |
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A Antonio Machado quotes | L Louise Bogan quotes |
A Antonio Porchia quotes | L Louise Erdrich quotes |
A Aphra Behn quotes | L Lucan quotes |
A Archibald MacLeish quotes | L Lucius Accius Telephus quotes |
A Archilochus quotes | L Lucretius quotes |
A Ariosto quotes | L Luis Cernuda quotes |
A Arthur Hugh Clough quotes | M Malcolm Cowley quotes |
A Arthur Rimbaud quotes | M Maltbie D. Babcock quotes |
A Audre Lorde quotes | M Marcus Valerius Martial quotes |
A August Wilhelm von Schlegel quotes | M Marge Piercy quotes |
A Ausonius quotes | M Marianne Moore quotes |
A Austin Dobson quotes | M Marie de France quotes |
B Basil Bunting quotes | M Mario Quintana quotes |
B Ben Jonson quotes | M Mark Haddon quotes |
B Bertolt Brecht quotes | M Mary Frye quotes |
B Bessie Stanley quotes | M Maryanne Williamson quotes |
B Boris Pasternak quotes | M Matthew Arnold quotes |
B Brian Kessler quotes | M Maurice Maeterlinck quotes |
C C. Day Lewis quotes | M Max Jacob quotes |
C C. S. Calverley quotes | M Maxwell Bodenheim quotes |
C C.F. Ramuz quotes | M Maya Angelou quotes |
C Carl Sandburg quotes | M Maynard James Keenan quotes |
C Carlos Drummond de Andrade quotes | M Menander of Athens quotes |
C Carol Lynn Pearson quotes | M Mervyn Peake quotes |
C Carolyn Kizer quotes | M Michael Drayton quotes |
C Catullus quotes | M Michelangelo quotes |
C Cesare Pavese quotes | M Miguel Hernández quotes |
C Charles Baudelaire quotes | M Mikhail Lomonosov quotes |
C Charles Bukowski quotes | M Milan Kundera quotes |
C Charles Churchill quotes | M Muhammad Iqbal quotes |
C Charles Follen Adams quotes | N Nancy Willard quotes |
C Charles Lamb quotes | N Naomi Shihab Nye quotes |
C Charles Peguy quotes | N Nathaniel Parker Willis quotes |
C Charles Reznikoff quotes | N Nicholas Boileau quotes |
C Charles Simic quotes | N Nicholas Breton quotes |
C Charles Wolfe quotes | N Nikki Giovanni quotes |
C Christian Furchtegott Gellert quotes | N Noah benShea quotes |
C Christina G. Rossetti quotes | N Noela Evans quotes |
C Christine de Pisan quotes | N Novalis quotes |
C Christopher Marlowe quotes | O Octavio Paz quotes |
C Christopher Smart quotes | O Odysseus Elytis quotes |
C Clarissa Pinkola Estes quotes | O Oliver Goldsmith quotes |
C Claude McKay quotes | O Oliver Wendell Holmes quotes |
C Claudia Ghandi quotes | O Olympia Morata quotes |
C Clement Marot quotes | O Omar Khayyam quotes |
C Countee Cullen quotes | O Oscar Wilde quotes |
D D.H. Lawrence quotes | O Ovid quotes |
D Dame Edith Sitwell quotes | O Owen Meredith quotes |
D Dame Mary Gilmore quotes | P Pablo Neruda quotes |
D Dana Gioia quotes | P Patrick Henry Pearse quotes |
D Dante Alighieri quotes | P Patrick Kavanagh quotes |
D Dante Gabriel Rossetti quotes | P Patti Smith quotes |
D David Harkins quotes | P Paul Celan quotes |
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D Delmore Schwartz quotes | P Paul Laurence Dunbar quotes |
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D Don Marquis quotes | P Pedro Calderon de la Barca quotes |
D Don Williams, Jr. quotes | P Percy Bysshe Shelley quotes |
D Dorothy Parker quotes | P Peter Altenberg quotes |
D Dylan Thomas quotes | P Philip James Bailey quotes |
E E F J Von Munch-Bellinghausen quotes | P Philip Larkin quotes |
E E. E. Cummings quotes | P Pierre Corneille quotes |
E E. Merrill Root quotes | P Pierre Reverdy quotes |
E Eavan Boland quotes | P Pierre-Jean de Beranger quotes |
E Edgar A. Guest quotes | P Pietro Aretino quotes |
E Edgar Allan Poe quotes | P Pietro Metastasio quotes |
E Edgar Guest quotes | P Pindar quotes |
E Edgar Quinet quotes | P Propertius quotes |
E Edith Lovejoy Pierce quotes | Q Quevedo quotes |
E Edmondo De Amicis quotes | Q Quintus Ennius quotes |
E Edmund Clarence Stedman quotes | R Rabindranath Tagore quotes |
E Edmund Gosse quotes | R Rainer Maria Rilke quotes |
E Edmund Waller quotes | R Ralph Hodgson quotes |
E Edna St. Vincent Millay quotes | R Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes |
E Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton quotes | R Randall Jarrell quotes |
E Edward Hodnett quotes | R Raymond Carver quotes |
E Edward Yashinsky quotes | R Rebecca Wee quotes |
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E Edwin A. Robinson quotes | R Rene Char quotes |
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E Elinor Wylie quotes | R Renee Duvall quotes |
E Eliza Cook quotes | R Rev. R. H. Barham quotes |
E Elizabeth Barrett Browning quotes | R Richard Aldington quotes |
E Elizabeth Bibesco quotes | R Richard Armour quotes |
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E Elizabeth Coatsworth quotes | R Richard Dehmel quotes |
E Ella Wheeler Wilcox quotes | R Richard Eberhart quotes |
E Elliott Smith quotes | R Richard Hovey quotes |
E Emily Bronte quotes | R Richard Lovelace quotes |
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E Emma Lazarus quotes | R Robert Blair quotes |
E Empedocles quotes | R Robert Bloomfield quotes |
E Epicharmus quotes | R Robert Bridges quotes |
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E Eric Pio quotes | R Robert Burns quotes |
E Eugene F. Ware quotes | R Robert Frost quotes |
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E Eustache Deschamps quotes | R Robert Service quotes |
E Ezequiel D'Leon Masis quotes | R Robert Southey quotes |
E Ezra Pound quotes | R Robert Tristram Coffin quotes |
F Federico Garcia Lorca quotes | R Roger McGough quotes |
F Félix Perron quotes | R Ronald Duncan quotes |
F Fiona Macleod quotes | R Rosa Mayreder quotes |
F Frances Watkins Harper quotes | R Rose Macaulay quotes |
F Francesco Petrarch quotes | R Rosemonde Gerard quotes |
F Francis Ponge quotes | R Rozz Williams quotes |
F Francis Quarles quotes | R Rudyard Kipling quotes |
F Francis Thompson quotes | R Rupert Brooke quotes |
F Francis William Bourdillon quotes | R Ruth Boorstin quotes |
F Francois Villon quotes | S Salvatore Quasimodo quotes |
F Franz Grillparzer quotes | S Sam Walter Foss quotes |
F Franz Werfel quotes | S Samuel Daniel quotes |
F Friedrich Rückert quotes | S Samuel Johnson quotes |
F Friedrich von Schiller quotes | S Samuel Rogers quotes |
G G. K. Chesterton quotes | S Samuel Taylor Coleridge quotes |
G Gabriela Mistral quotes | S Sandra Sturtz Hauss quotes |
G Gaston Bachelard quotes | S Sappho quotes |
G Gellert quotes | S Sarah Pezdek-Smith quotes |
G Geoffrey Chaucer quotes | S Scott Alexander quotes |
G George Farquhar quotes | S Shel Silverstein quotes |
G George Herbert quotes | S Sidney Keyes quotes |
G George Meredith quotes | S Sidney Lanier quotes |
G George Oppen quotes | S Siegfried Sassoon quotes |
G George Peele quotes | S Silius Italicus quotes |
G George Santayana quotes | S Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch quotes |
G George William Russell quotes | S Sir Herbert Read quotes |
G Georges Duhamel quotes | S Sir Thomas Wyatt quotes |
G Gerard de Nerval quotes | S Sir Walter Scott quotes |
G Gerard Manley Hopkins quotes | S Solomon Ibn Gabirol ben Judah quotes |
G Gertudis Gomez de Avellaneda quotes | S Solon quotes |
G Ghalib quotes | S Sri Aurobindo quotes |
G Giacomo Leopardi quotes | S St. John of the Cross quotes |
G Giovanni Boccaccio quotes | S Stan Rice quotes |
G Giovanni Boine quotes | S Stanislaw Jerzy Lec quotes |
G Giovanni Papini quotes | S Stephane Mallarme quotes |
G Giuseppe Ghiaroni quotes | S Stephen Crane quotes |
G Giusti quotes | S Stephen Vincent Benet quotes |
G Gloria Vanderbilt quotes | S Subrahmanya C. Bharati quotes |
G Guillaume Apollinaire quotes | S Sylvia Ashton-Warner quotes |
G Gunter Grass quotes | S Sylvia Plath quotes |
G Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer quotes | T T.S. Eliot quotes |
H Hans Kasper quotes | T Theodore Roethke quotes |
H Harriet Monroe quotes | T Theognis quotes |
H Hebbel quotes | T Theophile de Viau quotes |
H Heinrich Heine quotes | T Theophile Gautier quotes |
H Helen Araromi quotes | T Thomas Bailey Aldrich quotes |
H Henri de Régnier quotes | T Thomas Campion quotes |
H Henry Austin Dobson quotes | T Thomas Chatterton quotes |
H Henry David Thoreau quotes | T Thomas Gray quotes |
H Henry Drummond quotes | T Thomas Hardy quotes |
H Henry Lawson quotes | T Thomas Hood quotes |
H Henry MacKenzie quotes | T Thomas Lovell Beddoes quotes |
H Henry Rollins quotes | T Thomas Moore quotes |
H Henry Van Dyke quotes | T Thomas Otway quotes |
H Henry Vandyke quotes | T Thomas Sackville, Earl of Dorset quotes |
H Henry Wadsworth Longfellow quotes | T Thomas Shadwell quotes |
H Herman Melville quotes | T Thomas Traherne quotes |
H Hermann Hesse quotes | T Titus Lucretius Carus quotes |
H Hesiod quotes | T Tristan Tzara quotes |
H Hilaire Belloc quotes | U Ugo Betti quotes |
H Homer quotes | V Vachel Lindsay quotes |
H Horace quotes | V Vanna Bonta quotes |
H Hugo von Hofmannsthal quotes | V Veronica A. Shoffstall quotes |
I Ibycus quotes | V Vicente Aleixandre quotes |
J Jack Kerouac quotes | V Victor Hugo quotes |
J Jacopo Sannazaro quotes | V Vincent Voiture quotes |
J Jacques Delille quotes | V Virgil quotes |
J Jacques Prevert quotes | V Vita Sackville-West quotes |
J Jalal ad-Din Rumi quotes | V Vittorio Alfieri quotes |
J James Broughton quotes | W W. H. Auden quotes |
J James Montgomery quotes | W W.H. Auden quotes |
J James Oppenheim quotes | W Wallace Stevens quotes |
J James Russell Lowell quotes | W Walt Whitman quotes |
J James Stephens quotes | W Wilfred Owen quotes |
J James Thomson quotes | W Wilhelm Busch quotes |
J James Weldon Johnson quotes | W William Allingham quotes |
J Jane Kenyon quotes | W William Blake quotes |
J Janos Arany quotes | W William Bliss Carman quotes |
J Jean Baptiste Racine quotes | W William Butler Yeats quotes |
J Jean Cocteau quotes | W William Carlos Williams quotes |
J Jean de La Fontaine quotes | W William Cowper quotes |
J Jean Richepin quotes | W William DeWitt Snodgrass quotes |
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J John Clare quotes | W Wole Soyinka quotes |
J John Donne quotes | W Wolf Biermann quotes |
J John Drinkwater quotes | X Xenophanes quotes |
J John Dryden quotes | Y Yevgeny Yevtushenko quotes |
J John Dyer quotes | Z Zach Toelke quotes |
J John Gay quotes | |