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English Authors

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 "Alf" Shrubb quotesJimmy Page popularity 9/10  Jimmy Page quotes
A. A. Milne popularity 7/10  A. A. Milne quotesJoan Collins popularity 9/10  Joan Collins quotes
A. E. Housman popularity 6/10  A. E. Housman quotesJoan Delano Aiken popularity 3/10  Joan Delano Aiken quotes
Abel Evans popularity 0/10  Abel Evans quotesJoan Plowright popularity 7/10  Joan Plowright quotes
Abi Titmuss popularity 10/10  Abi Titmuss quotesJoanna Field popularity 0/10  Joanna Field quotes
Abraham Cowley popularity 3/10  Abraham Cowley quotesJoanne Kathleen Rowling popularity 8/10  Joanne Kathleen Rowling quotes
Adelaide Anne Procter popularity 0/10  Adelaide Anne Procter quotesJohn Aubrey popularity 5/10  John Aubrey quotes
Agatha Christie popularity 8/10  Agatha Christie quotesJohn Berger popularity 6/10  John Berger quotes
Alan Bennett popularity 5/10  Alan Bennett quotesJohn Bright popularity 6/10  John Bright quotes
Alan Herbert popularity 0/10  Alan Herbert quotesJohn Bunyan popularity 7/10  John Bunyan quotes
Alan Parker popularity 5/10  Alan Parker quotesJohn Byrom popularity 0/10  John Byrom quotes
Albert Chevalier popularity 0/10  Albert Chevalier quotesJohn Clare popularity 6/10  John Clare quotes
Albert Pine popularity 0/10  Albert Pine quotesJohn Cleese popularity 8/10  John Cleese quotes
Aldous Huxley popularity 8/10  Aldous Huxley quotesJohn Constable popularity 7/10  John Constable quotes
Aleister Crowley popularity 9/10  Aleister Crowley quotesJohn Dalton popularity 9/10  John Dalton quotes
Alex Winter popularity 6/10  Alex Winter quotesJohn Donne popularity 8/10  John Donne quotes
Alexander Pope popularity 8/10  Alexander Pope quotesJohn Drinkwater popularity 5/10  John Drinkwater quotes
Alfred Hitchcock popularity 9/10  Alfred Hitchcock quotesJohn Eldon popularity 0/10  John Eldon quotes
Alfred Noyes popularity 7/10  Alfred Noyes quotesJohn Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton popularity 0/10  John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton quotes
Alfred, Lord Tennyson popularity 0/10  Alfred, Lord Tennyson quotesJohn Evelyn popularity 5/10  John Evelyn quotes
Algernon Charles Swinburne popularity 6/10  Algernon Charles Swinburne quotesJohn Fletcher popularity 6/10  John Fletcher quotes
Amelia E. Barr popularity 0/10  Amelia E. Barr quotesJohn Galsworthy popularity 6/10  John Galsworthy quotes
Andrea Arnold popularity 5/10  Andrea Arnold quotesJohn Gay popularity 6/10  John Gay quotes
Andrew Brown popularity 6/10  Andrew Brown quotesJohn Henry Newman popularity 5/10  John Henry Newman quotes
Andrew Marvell popularity 7/10  Andrew Marvell quotesJohn Heywood popularity 5/10  John Heywood quotes
Andy Gibb popularity 8/10  Andy Gibb quotesJohn Hookham Frere popularity 0/10  John Hookham Frere quotes
Andy Partridge popularity 6/10  Andy Partridge quotesJohn Keats popularity 8/10  John Keats quotes
Angela Carter popularity 7/10  Angela Carter quotesJohn Keble popularity 5/10  John Keble quotes
Anita Brookner popularity 3/10  Anita Brookner quotesJohn LeCarre popularity 6/10  John LeCarre quotes
Anita Roddick popularity 7/10  Anita Roddick quotesJohn Lennon popularity 10/10  John Lennon quotes
Ann Taylor popularity 9/10  Ann Taylor quotesJohn Locke popularity 9/10  John Locke quotes
Anna Sewell popularity 7/10  Anna Sewell quotesJohn Lubbock popularity 0/10  John Lubbock quotes
Anne Bronte popularity 6/10  Anne Bronte quotesJohn Maynard Keynes popularity 8/10  John Maynard Keynes quotes
Annie Besant popularity 6/10  Annie Besant quotesJohn Milton popularity 8/10  John Milton quotes
Anthony Burgess popularity 7/10  Anthony Burgess quotesJohn Morley popularity 5/10  John Morley quotes
Anthony Eden popularity 6/10  Anthony Eden quotesJohn Newton popularity 8/10  John Newton quotes
Anthony Hopkins popularity 8/10  Anthony Hopkins quotesJohn R.W. Stott popularity 0/10  John R.W. Stott quotes
Anthony Powell popularity 6/10  Anthony Powell quotesJohn Ray popularity 7/10  John Ray quotes
Aphra Behn popularity 7/10  Aphra Behn quotesJohn Ruskin popularity 7/10  John Ruskin quotes
Aqariya News Magazine popularity 0/10  Aqariya News Magazine quotesJohn Stuart Mill popularity 8/10  John Stuart Mill quotes
Arnold Toynbee popularity 6/10  Arnold Toynbee quotesJohn Webster popularity 6/10  John Webster quotes
Arthur C. Clarke popularity 8/10  Arthur C. Clarke quotesJohn Wesley popularity 8/10  John Wesley quotes
Arthur Christopher Benson popularity 0/10  Arthur Christopher Benson quotesJohn Wilkes popularity 6/10  John Wilkes quotes
Arthur Helps popularity 0/10  Arthur Helps quotesJohn Wilmot (2nd Earl of Rochester) popularity 0/10  John Wilmot (2nd Earl of Rochester) quotes
Arthur Hugh Clough popularity 3/10  Arthur Hugh Clough quotesJonathan Miller popularity 6/10  Jonathan Miller quotes
Ashleigh Brilliant popularity 6/10  Ashleigh Brilliant quotesJoseph Addison popularity 7/10  Joseph Addison quotes
Aubrey Beardsley popularity 8/10  Aubrey Beardsley quotesJoseph Conrad popularity 8/10  Joseph Conrad quotes
Austin Dobson popularity 0/10  Austin Dobson quotesJoseph Priestley popularity 8/10  Joseph Priestley quotes
Barrie Pepper popularity 0/10  Barrie Pepper quotesJosiah Charles Stamp popularity 0/10  Josiah Charles Stamp quotes
Basil Bunting popularity 5/10  Basil Bunting quotesJoyce Cary popularity 3/10  Joyce Cary quotes
Beatrix Potter popularity 8/10  Beatrix Potter quotesJude Law popularity 10/10  Jude Law quotes
Ben Elton popularity 7/10  Ben Elton quotesKate Beckinsale popularity 10/10  Kate Beckinsale quotes
Ben Jonson popularity 8/10  Ben Jonson quotesKate Moss popularity 10/10  Kate Moss quotes
Benjamin Britten popularity 8/10  Benjamin Britten quotesKatie Price popularity 10/10  Katie Price quotes
Benjamin Haydon popularity 0/10  Benjamin Haydon quotesKeith Richards popularity 8/10  Keith Richards quotes
Benny Hill popularity 9/10  Benny Hill quotesKenneth Branagh popularity 8/10  Kenneth Branagh quotes
Bernard Law Montgomery popularity 0/10  Bernard Law Montgomery quotesKenneth Tynan popularity 3/10  Kenneth Tynan quotes
Berton Averre popularity 0/10  Berton Averre quotesKim Cattrall popularity 9/10  Kim Cattrall quotes
Bertrand Russell popularity 8/10  Bertrand Russell quotesKim Wilde popularity 9/10  Kim Wilde quotes
Beryl Markham popularity 6/10  Beryl Markham quotesKing George II popularity 7/10  King George II quotes
Billy Bragg popularity 8/10  Billy Bragg quotesKingsley Amis popularity 6/10  Kingsley Amis quotes
Billy Idol popularity 10/10  Billy Idol quotesLancelot Andrewes popularity 3/10  Lancelot Andrewes quotes
Bishop Heber popularity 0/10  Bishop Heber quotesLaurence Olivier, Sir popularity 0/10  Laurence Olivier, Sir quotes
Blackadder popularity 0/10  Blackadder quotesLaurence Sterne popularity 5/10  Laurence Sterne quotes
Bob Hope popularity 8/10  Bob Hope quotesLeigh Hunt popularity 6/10  Leigh Hunt quotes
Bob Monkhouse popularity 5/10  Bob Monkhouse quotesLen Deighton popularity 6/10  Len Deighton quotes
Boris Karloff popularity 8/10  Boris Karloff quotesLeslie Poles Hartley popularity 0/10  Leslie Poles Hartley quotes
Brian Clough popularity 5/10  Brian Clough quotesLewis Carroll popularity 9/10  Lewis Carroll quotes
Brian Jones popularity 8/10  Brian Jones quotesLinda Reid popularity 0/10  Linda Reid quotes
Brittany Renée popularity 0/10  Brittany Renée quotesLita Ford popularity 0/10  Lita Ford quotes
Brooke Astor popularity 0/10  Brooke Astor quotesLord (George Nathaniel) Curzon popularity 0/10  Lord (George Nathaniel) Curzon quotes
Bruce Oldfield popularity 0/10  Bruce Oldfield quotesLord Acton popularity 6/10  Lord Acton quotes
C T Studd popularity 0/10  C T Studd quotesLord Brabazon popularity 0/10  Lord Brabazon quotes
C. Northcote Parkinson popularity 5/10  C. Northcote Parkinson quotesLord Byron popularity 8/10  Lord Byron quotes
C. S. Calverley popularity 0/10  C. S. Calverley quotesLord Palmerston popularity 6/10  Lord Palmerston quotes
Captain Sensible popularity 7/10  Captain Sensible quotesMargery Allingham popularity 6/10  Margery Allingham quotes
Carolus Linnaeus popularity 8/10  Carolus Linnaeus quotesMargot Fonteyn popularity 8/10  Margot Fonteyn quotes
Cat Deeley popularity 8/10  Cat Deeley quotesMarianne Faithfull popularity 8/10  Marianne Faithfull quotes
Cat Stevens popularity 9/10  Cat Stevens quotesMarie Louise De La Ramee popularity 5/10  Marie Louise De La Ramee quotes
Cecil Beaton popularity 7/10  Cecil Beaton quotesMark Haddon popularity 7/10  Mark Haddon quotes
Cecil Maurice Bowra popularity 0/10  Cecil Maurice Bowra quotesMary Renault popularity 6/10  Mary Renault quotes
Celia Brayfield popularity 0/10  Celia Brayfield quotesMary Russell Mitford popularity 5/10  Mary Russell Mitford quotes
Charles Buxton popularity 5/10  Charles Buxton quotesMary Wollstonecraft Shelley popularity 6/10  Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley quotes
Charles Caleb Colton popularity 5/10  Charles Caleb Colton quotesMatthew Arnold popularity 7/10  Matthew Arnold quotes
Charles Darwin popularity 9/10  Charles Darwin quotesMaurice Gibb popularity 7/10  Maurice Gibb quotes
Charles Dibdin popularity 0/10  Charles Dibdin quotesMax Beerbohm popularity 5/10  Max Beerbohm quotes
Charles Dickens popularity 9/10  Charles Dickens quotesMichael Faraday popularity 8/10  Michael Faraday quotes
Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey popularity 0/10  Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey quotesMike Peters popularity 5/10  Mike Peters quotes
Charles H. Spurgeon popularity 5/10  Charles H. Spurgeon quotesMinette Marin popularity 0/10  Minette Marin quotes
Charles I popularity 8/10  Charles I quotesNancy Mitford popularity 5/10  Nancy Mitford quotes
Charles II popularity 7/10  Charles II quotesNaomi Watts popularity 0/10  Naomi Watts quotes
Charles Lamb popularity 7/10  Charles Lamb quotesNeil Gaiman popularity 8/10  Neil Gaiman quotes
Charles Morgan popularity 6/10  Charles Morgan quotesNeil Kinnock popularity 5/10  Neil Kinnock quotes
Charlotte Bronte popularity 8/10  Charlotte Bronte quotesNick Hornby popularity 7/10  Nick Hornby quotes
Charlotte Church popularity 10/10  Charlotte Church quotesNoel Coward popularity 7/10  Noel Coward quotes
Christina G. Rossetti popularity 0/10  Christina G. Rossetti quotesOrlando Bloom popularity 10/10  Orlando Bloom quotes
Christopher Fry popularity 5/10  Christopher Fry quotesPaul Bettany popularity 8/10  Paul Bettany quotes
Christopher Hitchens popularity 8/10  Christopher Hitchens quotesPaul Dirac popularity 6/10  Paul Dirac quotes
Christopher Isherwood popularity 6/10  Christopher Isherwood quotesPaul McCartney popularity 10/10  Paul McCartney quotes
Christopher Marlowe popularity 8/10  Christopher Marlowe quotesPercy Bysshe Shelley popularity 8/10  Percy Bysshe Shelley quotes
Christopher Plummer popularity 8/10  Christopher Plummer quotesPeter Cook popularity 7/10  Peter Cook quotes
Christopher Smart popularity 5/10  Christopher Smart quotesPeter Finch popularity 5/10  Peter Finch quotes
Claire Forlani popularity 9/10  Claire Forlani quotesPeter Gabriel popularity 9/10  Peter Gabriel quotes
Clement Attlee popularity 6/10  Clement Attlee quotesPeter Ustinov popularity 6/10  Peter Ustinov quotes
Colin Wilson popularity 7/10  Colin Wilson quotesPetula Clark popularity 0/10  Petula Clark quotes
Colley Cibber popularity 3/10  Colley Cibber quotesPhilip Guedalla popularity 0/10  Philip Guedalla quotes
Cyril Connolly popularity 5/10  Cyril Connolly quotesPhilip James Bailey popularity 3/10  Philip James Bailey quotes
Daisy Ashford popularity 0/10  Daisy Ashford quotesPhilip Larkin popularity 7/10  Philip Larkin quotes
Dame Edith Sitwell popularity 5/10  Dame Edith Sitwell quotesQueen Mary (consort of George V) popularity 0/10  Queen Mary (consort of George V) quotes
Dame Margaret Kendal popularity 0/10  Dame Margaret Kendal quotesQueen Mary I of England popularity 0/10  Queen Mary I of England quotes
Dan Leno popularity 0/10  Dan Leno quotesQuentin Crisp popularity 6/10  Quentin Crisp quotes
Dave Berry popularity 8/10  Dave Berry quotesR. C. Sherriff popularity 0/10  R. C. Sherriff quotes
David Bailey popularity 8/10  David Bailey quotesRalph Richardson popularity 5/10  Ralph Richardson quotes
David Beckham popularity 10/10  David Beckham quotesRalph Vaughan Williams popularity 7/10  Ralph Vaughan Williams quotes
David Bowie popularity 10/10  David Bowie quotesRay Davies popularity 8/10  Ray Davies quotes
David Cecil popularity 0/10  David Cecil quotesRebecca West popularity 6/10  Rebecca West quotes
David Garrick popularity 6/10  David Garrick quotesRev. R. H. Barham popularity 0/10  Rev. R. H. Barham quotes
David Herbert Lawrence popularity 0/10  David Herbert Lawrence quotesRex Stout popularity 6/10  Rex Stout quotes
David Lodge popularity 6/10  David Lodge quotesRichard Brinsley Sheridan popularity 5/10  Richard Brinsley Sheridan quotes
David Pleat popularity 0/10  David Pleat quotesRichard Crashaw popularity 6/10  Richard Crashaw quotes
David Prowse popularity 7/10  David Prowse quotesRichard Fairbrass popularity 0/10  Richard Fairbrass quotes
Davy Jones popularity 7/10  Davy Jones quotesRichard Hooker popularity 6/10  Richard Hooker quotes
Denise Levertov popularity 7/10  Denise Levertov quotesRichard Owen popularity 6/10  Richard Owen quotes
Denise Van Outen popularity 8/10  Denise Van Outen quotesRichard Thompson popularity 8/10  Richard Thompson quotes
Diana Dors popularity 8/10  Diana Dors quotesRichmal Crompton popularity 0/10  Richmal Crompton quotes
Diana Rigg popularity 9/10  Diana Rigg quotesRobbie Williams popularity 10/10  Robbie Williams quotes
Dido popularity 10/10  Dido quotesRobert Bloomfield popularity 5/10  Robert Bloomfield quotes
Dinah Maria Mulock Craik popularity 0/10  Dinah Maria Mulock Craik quotesRobert Bridges popularity 5/10  Robert Bridges quotes
Donald Soper popularity 0/10  Donald Soper quotesRobert Browning popularity 8/10  Robert Browning quotes
Donna Ann Evans popularity 0/10  Donna Ann Evans quotesRobert Burton popularity 6/10  Robert Burton quotes
Doug Larson popularity 6/10  Doug Larson quotesRobert Falcon Scott popularity 8/10  Robert Falcon Scott quotes
Douglas Jerrold popularity 0/10  Douglas Jerrold quotesRobert Morley popularity 5/10  Robert Morley quotes
Dr. Tony Giles popularity 0/10  Dr. Tony Giles quotesRobert Service popularity 8/10  Robert Service quotes
Dudley Moore popularity 7/10  Dudley Moore quotesRobert Southey popularity 5/10  Robert Southey quotes
E. M. Forster popularity 5/10  E. M. Forster quotesRobin G. Collingwood popularity 0/10  Robin G. Collingwood quotes
E. V. Lucas popularity 0/10  E. V. Lucas quotesRobyn Hitchcock popularity 8/10  Robyn Hitchcock quotes
Earl Of Chesterfield popularity 0/10  Earl Of Chesterfield quotesRodney Barker popularity 5/10  Rodney Barker quotes
Eden Phillpotts popularity 0/10  Eden Phillpotts quotesRoger Moore popularity 8/10  Roger Moore quotes
Edgar Z. Friedenberg popularity 0/10  Edgar Z. Friedenberg quotesRoger Williams popularity 8/10  Roger Williams quotes
Edith Clara Summerskill popularity 0/10  Edith Clara Summerskill quotesRonald Knox popularity 3/10  Ronald Knox quotes
Edmund Gosse popularity 5/10  Edmund Gosse quotesRose Macaulay popularity 5/10  Rose Macaulay quotes
Edmund Waller popularity 5/10  Edmund Waller quotesRowan Atkinson popularity 8/10  Rowan Atkinson quotes
Edward Coke popularity 0/10  Edward Coke quotesRudyard Kipling popularity 9/10  Rudyard Kipling quotes
Edward F. Halifax popularity 0/10  Edward F. Halifax quotesRupert Brooke popularity 7/10  Rupert Brooke quotes
Edward Gibbon popularity 6/10  Edward Gibbon quotesSamuel Butler popularity 6/10  Samuel Butler quotes
Edward Jenner popularity 9/10  Edward Jenner quotesSamuel Gompers popularity 8/10  Samuel Gompers quotes
Edward Lear popularity 8/10  Edward Lear quotesSamuel Johnson popularity 8/10  Samuel Johnson quotes
Edward Young popularity 5/10  Edward Young quotesSamuel Palmer popularity 5/10  Samuel Palmer quotes
Eleanor Bron popularity 6/10  Eleanor Bron quotesSamuel Pepys popularity 7/10  Samuel Pepys quotes
Elizabeth Adamson popularity 0/10  Elizabeth Adamson quotesSamuel Rogers popularity 0/10  Samuel Rogers quotes
Elizabeth Barrett Browning popularity 8/10  Elizabeth Barrett Browning quotesSamuel Taylor Coleridge popularity 8/10  Samuel Taylor Coleridge quotes
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson popularity 6/10  Elizabeth Garrett Anderson quotesSamuel Wesley popularity 5/10  Samuel Wesley quotes
Elizabeth Hurley popularity 10/10  Elizabeth Hurley quotesSandra Sturtz Hauss popularity 0/10  Sandra Sturtz Hauss quotes
Elizabeth Taylor popularity 9/10  Elizabeth Taylor quotesSean Conlon popularity 5/10  Sean Conlon quotes
Elizabeth, the Queen Mother popularity 0/10  Elizabeth, the Queen Mother quotesSean Reichle popularity 0/10  Sean Reichle quotes
Ellis Hadlock popularity 0/10  Ellis Hadlock quotesSimon Haynes popularity 0/10  Simon Haynes quotes
Emily Bronte popularity 8/10  Emily Bronte quotesSimon LeBon popularity 7/10  Simon LeBon quotes
Emily Watson popularity 8/10  Emily Watson quotesSir Alan Bates popularity 0/10  Sir Alan Bates quotes
Emma Watson popularity 10/10  Emma Watson quotesSir Arthur Eddington popularity 5/10  Sir Arthur Eddington quotes
Enid Bagnold popularity 5/10  Enid Bagnold quotesSir Arthur Quiller-Couch popularity 0/10  Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch quotes
Eric Ambler popularity 5/10  Eric Ambler quotesSir Cliff Richard popularity 0/10  Sir Cliff Richard quotes
Eric Idle popularity 8/10  Eric Idle quotesSir Henry Cotton popularity 0/10  Sir Henry Cotton quotes
Eric Morecambe popularity 6/10  Eric Morecambe quotesSir Humphrey Gilbert popularity 7/10  Sir Humphrey Gilbert quotes
Evelyn Underhill popularity 6/10  Evelyn Underhill quotesSir John Simon popularity 0/10  Sir John Simon quotes
Evelyn Waugh popularity 7/10  Evelyn Waugh quotesSir John Vanbrugh popularity 0/10  Sir John Vanbrugh quotes
Fanny Burney popularity 6/10  Fanny Burney quotesSir Osbert Sitwell popularity 0/10  Sir Osbert Sitwell quotes
Ford Madox Ford popularity 3/10  Ford Madox Ford quotesSir Philip Sidney popularity 7/10  Sir Philip Sidney quotes
Francesca Annis popularity 8/10  Francesca Annis quotesSir Stanley Spencer popularity 3/10  Sir Stanley Spencer quotes
Francis Bacon, Sr. popularity 0/10  Francis Bacon, Sr. quotesSir Thomas Malory popularity 7/10  Sir Thomas Malory quotes
Francis Quarles popularity 0/10  Francis Quarles quotesSir Thomas Wyatt popularity 0/10  Sir Thomas Wyatt quotes
Francis Thompson popularity 6/10  Francis Thompson quotesSophie Ellis-Bextor popularity 6/10  Sophie Ellis-Bextor quotes
Francis William Bourdillon popularity 5/10  Francis William Bourdillon quotesStephen Hawking popularity 9/10  Stephen Hawking quotes
Frank Oz popularity 8/10  Frank Oz quotesSusanna Strickland Moodie popularity 0/10  Susanna Strickland Moodie quotes
Frederick Delius popularity 5/10  Frederick Delius quotesSusannah Centlivre popularity 1/10  Susannah Centlivre quotes
Frederick W. Robertson popularity 0/10  Frederick W. Robertson quotesSydney Greenstreet popularity 6/10  Sydney Greenstreet quotes
Freeman Dyson popularity 6/10  Freeman Dyson quotesSydney Smith popularity 5/10  Sydney Smith quotes
G. H. Lewes popularity 0/10  G. H. Lewes quotesT.S. Eliot popularity 8/10  T.S. Eliot quotes
G. K. Chesterton popularity 6/10  G. K. Chesterton quotesTerry Pratchett popularity 8/10  Terry Pratchett quotes
Garth Marenghi popularity 0/10  Garth Marenghi quotesTheodore H. White popularity 5/10  Theodore H. White quotes
Geoffrey Chaucer popularity 8/10  Geoffrey Chaucer quotesThom Yorke popularity 8/10  Thom Yorke quotes
George Arliss popularity 0/10  George Arliss quotesThomas Babington popularity 5/10  Thomas Babington quotes
George Colman, the Younger popularity 0/10  George Colman, the Younger quotesThomas Babington Macaulay popularity 5/10  Thomas Babington Macaulay quotes
George Crabbe popularity 0/10  George Crabbe quotesThomas Betterton popularity 0/10  Thomas Betterton quotes
George Eliot popularity 8/10  George Eliot quotesThomas Bowdler popularity 5/10  Thomas Bowdler quotes
George Frideric Handel popularity 8/10  George Frideric Handel quotesThomas Campion popularity 5/10  Thomas Campion quotes
George Grenville popularity 7/10  George Grenville quotesThomas Chatterton popularity 5/10  Thomas Chatterton quotes
George Grossmith popularity 5/10  George Grossmith quotesThomas Dekker popularity 7/10  Thomas Dekker quotes
George Harrison popularity 9/10  George Harrison quotesThomas Gray popularity 7/10  Thomas Gray quotes
George Herbert popularity 7/10  George Herbert quotesThomas Haynes Bayly popularity 5/10  Thomas Haynes Bayly quotes
George Meredith popularity 5/10  George Meredith quotesThomas Henry Huxley popularity 5/10  Thomas Henry Huxley quotes
George Moore popularity 6/10  George Moore quotesThomas Hobbes popularity 9/10  Thomas Hobbes quotes
George Orwell popularity 8/10  George Orwell quotesThomas Hoby popularity 0/10  Thomas Hoby quotes
George Saintsbury popularity 3/10  George Saintsbury quotesThomas Hood popularity 6/10  Thomas Hood quotes
George Savile popularity 0/10  George Savile quotesThomas Lodge popularity 3/10  Thomas Lodge quotes
Gerald Durrell popularity 5/10  Gerald Durrell quotesThomas Love Peacock popularity 5/10  Thomas Love Peacock quotes
Graham Greene popularity 8/10  Graham Greene quotesThomas Lovell Beddoes popularity 0/10  Thomas Lovell Beddoes quotes
Greer Garson popularity 7/10  Greer Garson quotesThomas More popularity 8/10  Thomas More quotes
H. G. Wells popularity 6/10  H. G. Wells quotesThomas Otway popularity 0/10  Thomas Otway quotes
H. H. Munro popularity 6/10  H. H. Munro quotesThomas Paine popularity 9/10  Thomas Paine quotes
H. R. Haweis popularity 0/10  H. R. Haweis quotesThomas Percy popularity 5/10  Thomas Percy quotes
H.P.Liddon popularity 0/10  H.P.Liddon quotesThomas Robert Malthus popularity 6/10  Thomas Robert Malthus quotes
Harold Nicolson popularity 0/10  Harold Nicolson quotesThomas Traherne popularity 5/10  Thomas Traherne quotes
Harold Pinter popularity 7/10  Harold Pinter quotesThomas Tusser popularity 0/10  Thomas Tusser quotes
Harriet Martineau popularity 7/10  Harriet Martineau quotesTim Roth popularity 7/10  Tim Roth quotes
Harry Vardon popularity 6/10  Harry Vardon quotesTommy Manville popularity 0/10  Tommy Manville quotes
Helen Rowland popularity 5/10  Helen Rowland quotesTony Benn popularity 6/10  Tony Benn quotes
Henry Arthur Jones popularity 0/10  Henry Arthur Jones quotesTracey Ullman popularity 8/10  Tracey Ullman quotes
Henry de Bracton popularity 0/10  Henry de Bracton quotesVera Brittain (Mary) popularity 0/10  Vera Brittain (Mary) quotes
Henry Moore popularity 8/10  Henry Moore quotesVictor Sawdon Pritchett popularity 0/10  Victor Sawdon Pritchett quotes
Henry Wotton, Sr. popularity 0/10  Henry Wotton, Sr. quotesVictoria Beckham popularity 10/10  Victoria Beckham quotes
Henry Youngman popularity 5/10  Henry Youngman quotesVirginia Woolf popularity 8/10  Virginia Woolf quotes
Herbert Beerbohm Tree popularity 0/10  Herbert Beerbohm Tree quotesW. H. Auden popularity 7/10  W. H. Auden quotes
Holbrook Jackson popularity 1/10  Holbrook Jackson quotesW.H. Auden popularity 0/10  W.H. Auden quotes
Horace Walpole popularity 6/10  Horace Walpole quotesWalter Raleigh, Sr. popularity 0/10  Walter Raleigh, Sr. quotes
Howard John Davies popularity 0/10  Howard John Davies quotesWalter Savage Landor popularity 5/10  Walter Savage Landor quotes
Hugh Grant popularity 8/10  Hugh Grant quotesWentworth Miller popularity 9/10  Wentworth Miller quotes
Hugh Laurie popularity 9/10  Hugh Laurie quotesWilfred Owen popularity 8/10  Wilfred Owen quotes
Humphrey Davy popularity 6/10  Humphrey Davy quotesWilliam Adams (explorer) popularity 0/10  William Adams (explorer) quotes
Isaac Newton popularity 10/10  Isaac Newton quotesWilliam Beveridge popularity 5/10  William Beveridge quotes
Isaac Watts popularity 6/10  Isaac Watts quotesWilliam Blackstone popularity 7/10  William Blackstone quotes
Israel Zangwill popularity 5/10  Israel Zangwill quotesWilliam Blake popularity 9/10  William Blake quotes
Izaak Walton popularity 6/10  Izaak Walton quotesWilliam Booth popularity 7/10  William Booth quotes
J. B. Priestley popularity 3/10  J. B. Priestley quotesWilliam Camden popularity 5/10  William Camden quotes
J. C. Squire popularity 0/10  J. C. Squire quotesWilliam Caxton popularity 7/10  William Caxton quotes
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