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wedding toasts


by Mark Lugris

Whether pronounced by your drunken uncle with his tie wrapped around his head or by your well-meaning, but stuttering best friend, wedding toasts bring out the worst in human suffering, both for speakers and listeners.


    I Like this quote I dislike this quote"All weddings, except those with shotguns in evidence, are wonderful."

 Liz Smith quotes

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How do wedding toasts sum up your best wishes for lifelong happiness and prosperity when your mind has gone blank and the ring bearer is wailing in the background?  It is not an easy task.  Wedding toasts are public speeches' ugly cousin.  Too many glasses of wine, your one size too small cummerbund and the judgemental stare of the bride's father can capsize the most hopeful wedding toasts.


    I Like this quote I dislike this quote"I chose my wife, as she did her wedding gown, for qualities that would wear well"

 Oliver Goldsmith quotes (Irish born British essayist, poet, novelist and dramatist. 1730-1774)

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Wedding toasts should leave the newlyweds and guests with a warm and blissful feeling.   As etiquette expert Jacqueline Whitmore warns, "Don't confuse a toast with a 'roast'."  Therefore, short and sweet wedding toasts work better than say a 20-minute soliloquy on what the groom did at the bachelor party.       


    I Like this quote I dislike this quote"Marriage is a great institution."

 Elizabeth Taylor quotes (English actress. 1932-1975,Hampstead, London, England, UK)

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The essence of wedding toasts is to deliver a simple anecdote concerning the bride and groom's story of love and triumph.  No one needs to be embarrassed by your sharp wit, least of all you.  Also the sooner you wrap it up the better for all those involved.


    I Like this quote I dislike this quote"Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, and half-shut afterwards."

 Benjamin Franklin quotes (American statesman, scientist, philosopher, printer, writer and inventor. 1706-1790)

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Finally, wedding toasts are the perfect way to recap your feelings of goodwill and support.  To enhance wedding toasts concentrate on selecting timeless quotes that will surely endear you to the wedding party and guarantee your invitation to similar events.


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