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William Empson quotes

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British Poet and Critic known for his immense influence on 20th-century literary criticism and for his rational, metaphysical poetry. 1906-1984

William Empson popularity 5/10
    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“So your flesh shall be part of mine
And part of mine be yours.
Brother and sister we shall be
Whose unity endures.
Always the sister doll will cry,
Made in these careful ways,
Cry on and on, Come back to me,
Come back, in a few days.”

 William Empson quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“. . . life involves maintaining oneself between contradictions that can't be solved by analysis.”

 William Empson quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“A humanist, as I understand the term, says, "This world is good enough for me, if only I can be good enough for it."”

 William Empson quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“It is this deep blankness is the real thing strange.
The more things happen to you the more you can't
Tell or remember even what they were.”

 William Empson quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“It seemed the best thing to be up and go.”

 William Empson quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“The "News," the conferences that leer,
the creeping fog, the civil traps.
These are what force you into fear.”

 William Empson quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“. . . the waste even in a fortunate life, the isolation of a life rich in intimacy, cannot but be felt deeply, and is the central feeling of tragedy. And anything of value must accept this because it must not prostitute itself; its strength is to be prepared to waste itself, if it does not get the opportunity.”

 William Empson quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“The heart of standing is you cannot fly.”

 William Empson quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Seven types of ambiguity.”

 William Empson quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Waiting for the end, boys, waiting for the end.”

 William Empson quote

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