“Es gibt keinen Grund warum Kinder Chaucer [engl. Dichter des 14.Jhd., Anm.d.Red.] nicht genauso gut zitieren könnenwie Mos Def [Schauspieler und Rapper, Anm.d.Red.]. Die Wahrheit und das Bewahren des Schönen ist ein klarer Hinweis darauf, dass man lebendig ist.”
“I watched some of the original series when I was a kid, and watched some of the NEXT GENERATION shows and I've seen some of the movies, not all of them, but I wasn't any great aficionado. In all candour, I suspect my own aesthetic and what interests me about the medium of television -- does not lean towards STAR TREK.”
“[Brannon Braga, co-creator and executive producer of CBS' upcoming SF suspense thriller, Threshold , told SCI FI Wire that the show will not be shy in explaining up front what its aliens are doing.] It's bioforming, ... They're sending out this bizarre technological signal that mutates our DNA, [turning us] into them. There are no aliens. They're turning us into them.”