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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteHope is the last thing a person does before they are defeated.

 Henry Rollins quotes (American Rock Singer, Author, Actor and Poet, b.1961)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteYou believe the world's 12 thousand years old? "That's right." Okay I got one word to ask you, a one word question, ready? "Uh huh." Dinosaurs. You know the world's 12 thousand years old and dinosaurs existed, they existed in that time, you'd think it would have been mentioned in the fucking Bible at some point. "And lo Jesus and the disciples walked to Nazareth. But the trail was blocked by a giant brontosaurus...with a splinter in his paw. And O the disciples did run a shriekin': 'What a big fucking lizard, Lord!' But Jesus was unafraid and he took the splinter from the brontosaurus's paw and the big lizard became his friend.

 Bill Hicks quotes (American Comedian, b.1961)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteIt'll destroy you if you try to make it mean anything to anyone but yourself.

 Henry Rollins quotes (American Rock Singer, Author, Actor and Poet, b.1961)

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