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Viewing profile :: turtleshell
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Gender:  Female
Age:  38
Location:  bowling green, ky
Occupation:  student
Interests:  and annoying my friends, art, crafting(esp. w/ Duck Tape), hiking, reading, writing letters.
F. Books:  and Hairstyles of the Damned, everything else by J.D. Salinger, Everything Is Illuminated, Franny and Zooey, Kingdom of Fear, The Lorax.
F. Music:  and Spoon, Dropping Daylight, Everclear, Muse, Nine Inch Nails, Our Lady Peace, Queens of the Stone Age, The Mountain Goats.
F. TV Shows:  |Futurama, ||History's Mysteries, ||That 70's Show, ||The Daily Show, ||Trigger Happy T.V., |and The Angery Beavers.
F. Movies:  A Knight's Tale, and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Crazy in Alabama, Garden State, Meet Joe Black.
About me:  I am from Eastern Kentucky, I have very few connections with my family, I graduated with 13 others, I pride myself on my individuality but do not try to make myself anything other than what i am, i prefer to be stressed out, i dont like freetime, i am shy, and i am alive-what more do you need to know?
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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteWhere there's smoke, there's usually strawberry Jello.

 J. D. Salinger quotes (American Novelist and short story Writer, b.1919)

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