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 Contributor > T > TheCrazeeGirl
Viewing profile :: TheCrazeeGirl
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Gender:  Female
Age:  33
Location:  Scotland
Occupation:  School Kid (best job in the world)
Interests:  Listening to music, Playing music, Playing Video Games and watching TV.
F. Books:  Animal Farm, Harry Potter Series, Lemony Sniket Books..
F. Music:  Black Sabbath, Green Day, Led Zeppelin, Kaiser Cheifs, My Chemical Romance and The Used.
F. TV Shows:  Futurama, The Simpsons, CSI, Friends.
F. Movies:  Miss Congeneality, Pirates of the Carribean.
About me:  Dark Hair, Green Eyes and a tendecy to always say the wrong thing at a most inappropriate time.
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31-40 Quotations of 43

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteI never thought being obnoxious would get me where I am today.

 Billie Joe Armstrong quotes (American Singer and Musician (Green Day), b.1972)

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