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 Contributor > T > the_write_one
Viewing profile :: the_write_one
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Gender:  Male
Age:  56
Location:  Ohio
Occupation:  writer
Interests:  debate, life-after-death, music, philosophy, Reading, writing.
F. Books:  Of Mice and Men, Reflections of a Wayward Soul, To Kill a Mocking Bird, Tuedays with Morrie..
F. Music:  Jimmy Buffett & Merle Haggard.
F. TV Shows:  Boston Public, Cheers, King of the Hill, Nip/Tuck, Rescue Me, South Park, The Rockford Files, The Shield, The Wonder Years.
F. Movies:  Last of the Dogmen, Legends of the Fall, Life as a House, Murphy's Romance, Point Break, Red Dawn, Road house, Scarface, The Big Chill, The Locusts.
About me:  I am a published novelist/poet. Single, soon to be 37. I love conversation and people with capable minds and interesting ideas. I also own & operate a yahoo group. The photo is the front cover of my current book in publication. I have several others to follow into print. I also have individual photos of myself for personal exchange between any friends I happen to make while here.
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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteFame and riches are fleeting. Stupidity is eternal

 Don Williams, Jr quotes (American , b.1968)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteIf ignorance is bliss the world is comfortably surrounded by the inhabitants of an Eden!

 Don Williams, Jr quotes (American , b.1968)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteWhat I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact.

 Don Williams, Jr. quotes (American Novelist and Poet, b.1968)

About: Humor quotes, Irony quotes, Sarcasm quotes.
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