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Viewing profile :: spicyope2000
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Gender:  Female
Age:  38
Location:  london
Occupation:  writer
Interests:  music, politics, religion, sports, performing art and philosophy.
F. Books:  things fall apart, why do caged birds sing, lemona's tale, antony and cleopatra..
F. Music:  how great is your goodness.....
F. TV Shows:  passions, my wife and kids, east enders..
F. Movies:  nollywood, hollywood, and japanese movies..
About me:  i'm a writer, a philosopher, a musician and an historian. i love the greek mythology, the roman and egyptian history. the historical settings of places in the bible are things that never cease to amuse me. i'm adventeurous, and i like to solve mysteries. i almost forgot, i'm a singer, a tv researcher and a human right activist. just a snippet of me though.
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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteKnowledge is like an endless sea. We can't know everything in life.

 Helen Araromi quotes (Nigerian Researcher, Poet, Writer, Philosopher, Politician and Musician, b.1987)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteWhat is love? A barbie doll..

 Helen Araromi quotes (Nigerian Researcher, Poet, Writer, Philosopher, Politician and Musician, b.1987)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteLove develops through friendship.

 Helen Araromi quotes (Nigerian Researcher, Poet, Writer, Philosopher, Politician and Musician, b.1987)

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