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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteYou will always find an answer in the sound of water.

 Chuang Tzu quotes (The most significant of China's early interpreters of Taoism, 389-286 BC)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteWho loves a lot, forgives a lot.

 Amadeo Nervo quotes (Mexican poet and diplomat, 1870-1919)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteWhen you live with another person for 50 years, all of your memories are invested in that person, like a bank account of shared memories. It’s not that you refer to them constantly. In fact, for people who do not live in the past, you almost never say, “Do you remember that night we...?” But you don’t have to. That is the best of all. You know that the other person does remember. Thus, the past is part of the present as long as the other person lives. It is better than any scrapbook, because you are both living scrapbooks.

 Federico Fellini quotes (Italian Film Director known for freely structured films in which dreams and reality mingle. 1920-1993)

About: Past quotes, Memories quotes.
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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteThe right to happiness is fundamental.

 Anna Pavlova quotes (Russian ballerina, the most celebrated Dancer of her time. 1882-1931)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteNow that I am ninety-five years old, looking back over the years, I have seen many changes taking place, so many inventions have been made. Things now go faster. In olden times things were not so rushed. I think people were more content, more satisfied with life than they are today. You don’t hear nearly as much laughter and shouting as you did in my day, and what was fun for us wouldn’t be fun now.... In this age I don’t think people are as happy, they are worried. They’re too anxious to get ahead of their neighbors, they are striving and striving to get something better. I do think in a way that they have too much now. We did with much less.

 Grandma Moses quotes

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteI was going to have inner peace if I had to break a few heads to do it.

 Erma Bombeck quotes (U.S. humorist, 1927-1996)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteI don't believe in marriage. It's bloody impractical to love, honor, and obey.

 Katharine Hepburn quotes (American actress)

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