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 Contributor > K > kalagrace
Viewing profile :: kalagrace
Avatar All about kalagrace
Gender:  Female
Age:  21
Location:  Malibu, CA
Occupation:  Student
Interests:  Theatre.
F. Books:  The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
F. Music:  Dashboard Confessional, Five For Fighting, Nickel Creek, Rockapella, the Wicked soundtrack, Train, Won by One....
F. TV Shows: 
F. Movies:  The Princess Bride.
About me:  you would pass me on the street and not notice me. i look just like everyone else, but i'm extraordinary. i’m searching for meaning and purpose. i’m just living my life. and i’m loving every moment. look for me in the spotlight; i’ll be hiding there.
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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteWe die. That may be the meaning of life. But we do language. That may be the measure of our lives.

 Toni Morrison quotes (American Writer, Teacher and Editor. Won the Pulitzer Prize for Beloved; won Nobel Prize for Literature, 1993, b.1931)

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