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 Contributor > J > Jelena
Viewing profile :: Jelena
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Gender:  Female
Location:  Prague
Occupation:  without occupation ;)
Interests:  anthropology, biology, computers and much more..., English and French), evolution, genetics, languages (espec. Czech, literature.
F. Books:  either.
F. Music:  blues, country, Mozart's operas..., pop, rock (not hard).
F. TV Shows:  intelligent talk-shows (for example Na Plovárně or Krásný Ztráty in Czech TV).
F. Movies:  A.I., Cet amour-la, Chocolat, Fucking Amal, Hable con ella, Pret-a-Porter, Riget, The Shining..., Todo sobre mi madre, Total Eclipse, Wilde.
About me:  my interests say instead of me, that I'm just an usual not-so-normal woman. And because everybody is an original, it's no wonder at all ;)
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Books by contributor: Jelena

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let''s think about it a little bit... (0), My Cup of Tea (27), ooops! (14), Good Lord (3) Quotations
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