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Gender:  Male
Age:  43
Location:  Carlsbad, CA
Interests:  business, philosophy, sports.
F. Books:  Greatest Salesman in the World, Moral Leadership and Ethical Decision Making, One Day All Children.
F. Music:  Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Incubus, Nat King Cole, Switchfoot.
F. TV Shows:  I don't like TV.
F. Movies:  Hotel Rwanda, Schindler's List.
About me:  I am someone who believes that everyone should, at all times, be actively engaged in a good cause.
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21-30 Quotations of 50

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteIf I had a choice of educating my daughters or my sons because of opportunity constraints, I would choose to educate my daughters.

 Brigham Young quotes (American religious leader, 2nd President of the Mormon church, and colonizer who significantly influenced the development of the American West. 1801-1877)

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