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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteOne of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised.

 Chinua Achebe quotes (Nigerian Writer. He described how imposed Western values led to social and psychological disorientation of traditional African society 'Things Fall Apart' (1959). b.1930)

About: Compromise quotes, Integrity quotes.
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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteWe face neither East nor West ; we face Forward

 Kwame Nkrumah quotes (Ghanaian 1st Ghana's President (1957-66). 1909-1972)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteThe only thing we have learnt from experience is that we learn nothing from experience.

 Chinua Achebe quotes (Nigerian Writer. He described how imposed Western values led to social and psychological disorientation of traditional African society 'Things Fall Apart' (1959). b.1930)

About: Experience quotes.
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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteNigera is what it is because its leaders are not what they should be.

 Chinua Achebe quotes (Nigerian Writer. He described how imposed Western values led to social and psychological disorientation of traditional African society 'Things Fall Apart' (1959). b.1930)

About: Leadership quotes.
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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteNigerians are what they are because their leaders are not what they should be

 Chinua Achebe quotes (Nigerian Writer. He described how imposed Western values led to social and psychological disorientation of traditional African society 'Things Fall Apart' (1959). b.1930)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteBooks and all forms of writing are terror to those who wish to suppress the truth.

 Wole Soyinka quotes (Nigerian Playwright and Poet, b.1934)

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Mbeki  (3), Character  (4), God & Men  (3), POverty  (3), Justice & Power  (17), Greatness  (4), Poetic  (12), Michelangelo  (2), Humor  (13), Love  (22), Oscar Wilde (6), Men and women (17), Greatness (9), Romance (5), Discipline (14), Brecht (4), Ideas (15), Napoleon (2), Selassie (4), Wisdom (38), Confucius (7), Sun Tzu (9), Plato (1), Socrates (5), Bravery and its opposite (37), Euripedes (9), Thoreau (24), Political mottos (20), Epictetus (9), Governments (3), Virtue (7), Mahatma Ghandi (32), Mohandas Ghandi (12), Indira Ghandi (5), Literature (9), Lord Chesterfield (9), Marcus Tullius Cicero (11), Hammarskjold & Kissinger (12), Disraeli (8), Education (7), Annan (4), Eleanor Roosevelt (4), Character (20), Franklin (28), Ignorance (10), Philosophy (30), Weakness (4), Discipline (10), Protest (3), Politics (10), Lincoln (15), Aristotle (19), Diplomacy and philosophy (15), Victory is Certain (13), War (6), Presidential Motivation (16), We shall win (30), Criticism (26), Gandhi (3), Che (7), Revo Strategy (14), Douglas (5), Revolutions (11), African philo (8), Government (22), New Chapter 3 (15) Quotations
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