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Rhoberta Shaler, PhD quotes

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Canadian Author, Coach and motivational speaker, b.1945

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Most people do not receive nearly enough appreciation. How can this be when appreciation is free, easy, and readily available? All you have to do is speak. Go give some away now.”

 Rhoberta Shaler, PhD quote

About: Leadership quotes, Management quotes, Relationships quotes, Parenting quotes.
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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Most couples make the mistake of giving each other the ‘remains of the day’—the leftover time after every other relationship and task has been attended to. This is not only backwards, but destructive. Stellar partners give each other prime time and make each other their top priority.”

 Rhoberta Shaler, PhD quote

About: Success quotes, Love quotes, Relationships quotes.
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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Being genuinely happy for the successes of another person adds joy to our day. When one person succeeds, it demonstrates to us all that success is possible. Celebrate often!”

 Rhoberta Shaler, PhD quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Every moment we draw breath, we are modeling what we believe, what we assume, what we value. We are human “beings”, not human “doings”. The doing is the demonstration of our being and this is an awesome responsibility.”

 Rhoberta Shaler, PhD quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Excuses are seldom truthful, often handy, and rarely productive. Don’t make excuses: make things happen!”

 Rhoberta Shaler, PhD quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Right action is when the right people do the right thing for the right reasons at the right time. That about sums up success!”

 Rhoberta Shaler, PhD quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“In the world of birds, ruffled feathers is one sign of a virus. Isn’t that also the case at work or home? Infected birds shed the virus by exhaling and excreting. Humans do it through gossip and anger. Both are contagious. Don’t be a carrier!”

 Rhoberta Shaler, PhD quote

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