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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteNever believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied.

 Otto von Bismarck quotes (Prussian Prime Minister, Founder and Chancellor of the German Empire, 1815-1898)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteWhen you want to fool the world, tell the truth.

 Otto von Bismarck quotes (Prussian Prime Minister, Founder and Chancellor of the German Empire, 1815-1898)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quotePeople never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election.

 Otto von Bismarck quotes (Prussian Prime Minister, Founder and Chancellor of the German Empire, 1815-1898)

Similar Quotes. About: Lies quotes.
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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteThe main thing is to make history, not to write it.

 Otto von Bismarck quotes (Prussian Prime Minister, Founder and Chancellor of the German Empire, 1815-1898)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quotePolitics ruins the character.

 Otto von Bismarck quotes (Prussian Prime Minister, Founder and Chancellor of the German Empire, 1815-1898)

Similar Quotes. About: Politics quotes.
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