“I would in this special case, extend my support for [Museveni] to continue leading the great people of Uganda. I believe this is good for Africa as a whole.”
“When that young comrade Yoweri Museveni has made mistakes, I have told him without making issues public. But there is no way I feel I can keep quiet about this issue of presidential candidates in Uganda. I appeal to him not to accept those who are around [him] bending to prevent other candidates.”
“I found this very disturbing, Let your challenger stand. You are popular but that is not the reason for my saying these issues. Principles are principles. They are never divided. Please to my young comrade Yoweri Museveni, let those who want to challenge you do so.”
“Seven hundred and fifty billion dollars is the annual aggregate income of African Americans. That economic potential needs to be harnessed for Africa's development and to create expanded economic opportunities for African people worldwide.”