“Some people may, perhaps correctly, view Live 8 as the blink of an eye. Five days later, the horrific, devastating London bombs dissipated the goodwill of the Olympic bid and Live 8.”
“It was to do with politics, not just fundraising and utilizing those things through to its logical end, to the ultimate seat of power. ... I think that probably started with George.”
“The deal could never have happened in the recent crazy market. But in a collapsing market, whole new opportunities present themselves for lean and nimble operators like us.”
“I had this big fight with Madame X, Mrs. Thatcher, 20 years ago, and now the government understands politically it's not worth it to go up against it.”
“There's no use in the prime minister coming to Scotland unless he's prepared to do this deal. Unless he's prepared he should stay home. Don't come. You're not welcome unless you're prepared to do something finally.”