Elbert Hubbard quotes (American editor, publisher and writer, 1856-1915)
German Proverb quotes
Russian Proverb quotes
Thomas Carlyle quotes (Scottish Historian and Essayist, leading figure in the Victorian era. 1795-1881)
Abraham Lincoln quotes (American 16th US President (1861-65), who brought about the emancipation of the slaves. 1809-1865)
Irish Sayings quotes
George Bernard Shaw quotes (Irish literary Critic, Playwright and Essayist. 1925 Nobel Prize for Literature, 1856-1950)
Marcus Tullius Cicero quotes (Ancient Roman Lawyer, Writer, Scholar, Orator and Statesman, 106 BC-43 BC)
Baruch Spinoza quotes (Dutch Philosopher, exponent of the Rationalism, 1632-1677)
Anatole France quotes (French Writer, member of the French Academy and Nobel Prize for Literature in 1921, 1844-1924)