A Al Rogers quotes | J Joseph Lewis quotes |
A Alfred Marshall quotes | J Jules Romains quotes |
A Alice Paul quotes | K Ken Olsen quotes |
A Andre Breton quotes | K Ken Olson quotes |
A Anna Freud quotes | K Konosuke Matsushita quotes |
A Anthony J. D'Angelo quotes | L L. Ron Hubbard quotes |
A Antonio Gramsci quotes | M Manly Hall quotes |
B B. C. Forbes quotes | M Margaret Sanger quotes |
B Bennett Cerf quotes | M Mary Baker Eddy quotes |
B Bernard of Clairvaux quotes | M Mother Teresa of Calcutta quotes |
B Berry Gordy Jr. quotes | N Nagarjuna quotes |
B Bill Gates quotes | O Otto von Bismarck quotes |
B Buddha quotes | P Petra Kelly quotes |
C Carl Gustav Jung quotes | R Ralph Vaughan Williams quotes |
C Catherine Booth quotes | R Randall Terry quotes |
C Celia Brayfield quotes | R Ray Kroc quotes |
C Cesare Lombroso quotes | R Richard Eberhart quotes |
D David Brandt Berg quotes | S Saint Peter of Alcantara quotes |
D Diogenes quotes | S Sam Walton quotes |
D Dorothy Day quotes | S Samuel Goldwyn quotes |
E E. F. Schumacher quotes | S Sigmund Freud quotes |
E Eric Berne quotes | S Soichiro Honda quotes |
E Ernest Holmes quotes | S St. Francis of Assisi quotes |
F Felix Adler quotes | S Steve Jobs quotes |
F Frances E. Willard quotes | S Swami Sivananda quotes |
G Giuseppe Mazzini quotes | T Ted Shawn quotes |
G Golda Meir quotes | T Thomas J. Watson quotes |
G Gottlob Frege quotes | T Tristan Tzara quotes |
H Harvey S. Firestone quotes | W W. Clement Stone quotes |
J Jane Addams quotes | W Wilbur Fisk quotes |
J Jean Paul Getty quotes | W William Penn quotes |
J Jerry Falwell quotes | W William S. Paley quotes |
J Jerry Rubin quotes | W William Wirt quotes |
J John Marshall quotes | Z Zoroaster quotes |
J John Wanamaker quotes | |