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Polish Authors

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Abraham Joshua Heschel popularity 0/10  Abraham Joshua Heschel quotesLech Walesa popularity 10/10  Lech Walesa quotes
Arthur Rubinstein popularity 5/10  Arthur Rubinstein quotesLeo Rosten popularity 5/10  Leo Rosten quotes
Boleslaw Prus popularity 0/10  Boleslaw Prus quotesLucian  Lucian "the Red Spider" Staniak quotes
Copernicus popularity 9/10  Copernicus quotesMark Woods popularity 0/10  Mark Woods quotes
David Ben-Gurion popularity 6/10  David Ben-Gurion quotesPope John Paul II popularity 10/10  Pope John Paul II quotes
David Borenstein popularity 2/10  David Borenstein quotesRoman Polanski popularity 9/10  Roman Polanski quotes
Harry M. Warner popularity 0/10  Harry M. Warner quotesSamuel Goldwyn popularity 6/10  Samuel Goldwyn quotes
Helena Rubinstein popularity 8/10  Helena Rubinstein quotesSheldon Glueck popularity 0/10  Sheldon Glueck quotes
Helene Deutch popularity 0/10  Helene Deutch quotesSholem Asch popularity 0/10  Sholem Asch quotes
Isaac Bashevis Singer popularity 6/10  Isaac Bashevis Singer quotesStanislaw Jerzy Lec popularity 1/10  Stanislaw Jerzy Lec quotes
Izabella Scorupco popularity 8/10  Izabella Scorupco quotes 
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